A-Frame Tent

Due to the large size of this project and documentation, I’ve decided to split this post up to make it easier to read.

Please use the below list of links to skip to a section, or read page by page by clicking the numbers at the bottom. A PDF version of this documentation is also available here.

  1. Introduction
  2. Research
    1. Existence and Use of A-Frame Tents
    2. The Oseberg Find
    3. The Gokstad Find
    4. Tent Pegs
    5. Rope Tensioners
    6. Sailcloth
    7. Tools Used
    8. Tent Frame
  3. Construction
    1. Shear Legs
    2. Side Ground Poles
    3. Ridge Pole
    4. Transoms
    5. Tent Pegs
    6. Rope Tensioners
    7. Sailcloth
    8. Erecting the Frame
  4. Concessions
  5. Budget
  6. Conclusion
  7. Compiled References

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